Downtown Kingston BIA Membership
If you own a property or business within the Downtown Kingston BIA geographic boundaries, you automatically become part of a vibrant community committed to creating a lively and thriving downtown core. Visit for a detailed map. The BIA's activities and initiatives are made possible through an annual levy based on commercial or industrial property taxes.
Discover the Advantages of Being a Downtown Kingston BIA Member:
As a Downtown Kingston BIA member, your business can benefit from a range of valuable features and services aimed at fostering growth and enhancing the overall downtown experience. These include:
✓ Marketing:
Our targeted marketing initiatives promote the unique atmosphere and attractions of the downtown area, driving foot traffic and boosting your business's visibility.
✓ Maintenance & Cleanliness:
Our dedicated team ensures that the streets are clean and well-maintained, creating a welcoming environment for customers and fostering a sense of community pride.
✓ Welcoming Streets Outreach Support:
By addressing the needs of vulnerable population and connecting them with essential resources, we contribute to a safe and inclusive downtown core for all.
✓ Dedicated Enforcement Foot Patrol:
Downtown Kingston has a Kingston Police dedicated foot patrol officer and City of Kingston Bylaw officers that patrol our streets helping to address situations that involve enforcement of bylaws and illegal activity. This helps to keep the downtown core safe and secure.
✓ Advocacy:
We actively represent the interests of our members at the local and regional levels, ensuring that your concerns are heard and your success remains a top priority.
✓ Large Events:
Throughout the year, our engaging events attract thousands of visitors to downtown Kingston, providing increased exposure and opportunities for your business to shine.