Downtown Kingston BIA
(Business Improvement Area),
is one of the oldest BIA’s in Ontario, established in 1973.

Click on the video to learn more about Business Improvement Areas.

What is a BIA?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a designated district within a city or town where businesses and commercial properties come together to foster growth and enhance the community. The primary goal of a BIA is to create a more vibrant, welcoming environment for both residents and visitors. This collaborative effort between business owners, property owners, and local government serves to improve the area's visual appeal, support existing businesses, and attract new ones.

Through various initiatives like beautification projects, promotional events, and other improvements, BIAs contribute to the overall economic vitality of the neighborhood. By working together, local businesses can create a thriving and inviting atmosphere that encourages economic growth and strengthens community connections.

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) are mainly funded by a BIA levy. Businesses and property owners within the BIA pay an additional tax or fee, which goes directly towards funding BIA projects and initiatives.