Book at CPTED for your business

CPTED, or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, is a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behaviour by modifying the built environment. CPTED principles aim to create safer spaces by influencing human behaviour through design features that reduce opportunities for crime to occur, while simultaneously encouraging positive interactions and a sense of community.


CPTED strategies focus on four main principles:

  1. Natural Surveillance: Designing spaces that allow for better visibility and observation, making it easier to spot suspicious activities.

  2. Natural Access Control: Creating physical barriers or guiding movement in a way that makes it more difficult for potential offenders to access certain areas.

  3. Territorial Reinforcement: Promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility for a space through design elements like clear boundaries, landscaping, and maintenance.

  4. Maintenance: Ensuring that spaces are well-maintained and cared for, as neglected areas can attract criminal activity.

CPTED is used by urban planners, architects, law enforcement agencies, and community members to design and maintain safer environments.


As a Downtown Kingston BIA member we want you, your employees and your visitors to feel safe. There are many practical things you can do to improve your property safety and to make it less attractive for crime and unwanted behaviour. Book a CPTED for your property or business today. There is no cost and you will be provided with a report afterwards with recommendations.


Edition 1: Keeping our Streets Safe and Welcoming for Everyone


Meet Our New Downtown Foot Patrol Officer